As part of the Forest Restoration Project, DEECA reseeded areas of Ash forest burned during the 2019–20 fires.

The fires burned 83,000 ha of fire-sensitive Alpine and Mountain ash forest across state forest and national park, creating concern that without action they could become locally extinct.

DEECA, supported by Parks Victoria, VicForests and the University of Melbourne, rapidly sowed 11,500 ha of ash forest to reduce forest loss and restore habitat.

The project is being supported by the Victorian Government’s $7.7 million of Recovery funding and $4.5m from the 2022/23 State Budget.

Preparation for future forest recovery will continue to be important. Consecutive fires since 2003 and a warming climate is threatening the future of these ecosystems. Over 80,000 ha of immature ash forest remains within Victoria, 43,000 ha of which is within the 2019–20 fire area. This is vulnerable to fire over the next 20 years.

Page last updated: 08/02/24